Pop corn dancer

2019, Hologram Video 7 min, led screen, plastic, glass jar,30 x 50 h. x 34 cm

born in 1979, Bibbiena, Italy.



Michel-Ange Bastiani, artiste florentin, est né à Bibbiena (AR) en 1979. Après avoir obtenu son diplôme à l'Institut d'art de Florence, il est diplômé de l'Académie des Beaux-Arts avec une majeure en Peintures Photographie sous maestro Gustavo Giulietti. Aujourd'hui, il travaille et vit en Toscane. Il est représenté par Aria Art Gallery à Florence, Barbara Paci Gallery à Pietrasanta, Liquid Art Gallery Système à Capri, SpazioMR Gallery à Rome, il a une installation permanente dans le centre de Capri, expose à Venise, Florence, Milan, Capri, Pietrasanta... Son travail fut également exposé à Londres, Francfort, Oslo, Rome, Kiev et Istanbul ainsi qu’aux États-Unis à New York, au Musée Mana Contemporain de Jersey City, au contexte de l'art de New York, Houston Art Fair et au Jim Kempner Galerie et C24 Gallery à Chelsea, New York. Le travail de Bastiani est composé de projections vidéo interactives et d’installations hologramme sur des écrans LED, concentrés sur le thème de l'eau. Depuis le début de sa carrière, l'eau a été au cœur du cheminement artistique de cet artiste, prêt à représenter un art qui change toujours, qui n’est jamais le même. En raison de sa nature dynamique, l'eau a toujours été difficile à représenter. La stratégie pour résoudre ce problème est par le biais de la technologie qui permet une interaction tangible, une connexion directe avec le spectateur : une chute d'eau n’aura jamais un flux constant, mais change selon les gens qui passent devant elle, qui deviennent effectivement une partie du processus cinétique du travail. Le naturel est comparé à l’artificiel ; la force des éléments trouve sa représentation dans un mariage antithétique. Un mariage d'emprisonnement de nature causé par l'homme, mais en même temps une exaltation dû à la nécessité de l'un à l'autre. 



Michelangelo Bastiani, a Florentine artist, was born in Bibbiena (AR) in 1979. After getting his diploma at the Art Institute of Florence, he graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts with a major in Paintings and Photography under maestro Gustavo Giulietti. Today he works and lives in Tuscany. Career-wise he is praised for his exhibitions in both Italy and abroad: he is represented from Aria Art Gallery in Florence, Barbara Paci Gallery in Pietrasanta, Liquid Art System Gallery in Capri, SpazioMR Gallery in Rome, and he has a permanent installation in the center of Capri. Bastiani has exhibited in Venice, Florence, Milan, Capri, Pietrasanta, and has displayed his work in London, Frankfurt, Oslo, Rome, Kiev and Istanbul and in the United States in New York, at the Mana Contemporary Museum of Jersey City, at the Art Context New York, Houston Art Fair and at the Jim Kempner Gallery and C24 Gallery in Chelsea, New York. Bastiani’s work is composed of interactive video projections and hologram installations on LED screens, concentrated on the theme of water. Since the beginning of his career, water has been the core of the artistic investigation of this artist, willing to represent an art that always changes, that it is never the same, features that the element intrinsically carries with itself. Because of its dynamic nature, water has always been difficult to represent. The strategy to solve this problem is through technology which allows a tangible interaction, a direct connection with the viewer: a waterfall will never have a constant flow; it changes according to the people passing in front of it, who become effectively a part of the kinetic process of the work. The natural is compared to the artificial; the strength of the elements finds its representation in an antithetic marriage. A marriage of imprisonment of nature caused by man, but at the same time an exaltation and necessity from one to the other.




Liquid Art System, Solo project, Hologram Video Installation, Context NY Art fair, New York, USA



Barbara Paci Galleria d’Arte, De Rerum Natura “infra terram”Video Installazioni, Pietrasanta, ITALY


Galeria Aurora, San Miguel de Allende, MEXICO


BGH Galery, Santa Barbara California, USA


Water Galaxy, Hotel Carlton, Oslo, NORWAY



International art fairs



Castello di Susans, Maravee Ludo Exhibition, Video Installazioni, Majano (UD), ITALY



Saatchi Gallery – Start Art Fair, Aria Art gallery, Video Installazioni, London, UK

Aria Art Gallery, “Eau de Florance” Exhibition, Video Installazioni, London, UK

Art Context New York, Liquid Art System, Video Installazioni – Solo Project, New York, USA

SpazioMR Gallery, Video Installazione, Rome, ITALY

C24 Gallery, Video Installazione, Chelsea, New York, USA





Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, Aria Art Gallery, Video Installazioni,Istanbul, TURKEY

The Others Art Fair, Alviani Art Space, Video Installazione, Torino, ITALY

Capri The Island of Art, Liquid Art System, Video Installazione, Capri, ITALY

Capri Tiberio Palace – Liquid Art System, Video Installazione, Capri, ITALY

Barbara Paci Galleria d’Arte, De Rerum Natura “infra terram”, Video Installazioni, Pietrasanta, ITALY

White Room Art System, Video Installazioni, Capri, ITALY

Aria Art Gallery, Video installation, Florence, ITALY



Grand Hotel et de Milan, Video installations, Milan, ITALY

Barbara Paci Gallery, “It’s time to move”, Video installations, Pietrasanta (Lucca), ITALY

Il Bottaccio London, “Visibilia ex Invisibilibus”, Video installations, London, UK

Aria Art Gallery, “Digital Marmore Wall II”, Video Installation, Florence, ITALY



Istanbul Art Fair, “Digital Marmore Wall”, Video Installation ,Istanbul, TURKEY

Aria Art Gallery, “Digital Marmore Wall”, Video Installation, Florence, ITALY

Mana Contemporary Museum, “Geyser”, Video Installation, Jersey City, NJ, USA

Arezzo Biennale, “Water Galaxy”, Video Installation, Arezzo, ITALY

Aria Art Gallery, “Geyser”, Video Installation, Florence, ITALY



Art Kyiv Contemporary – Aria Art Gallery, Video Installations, Mystetskyi Arsenal, Kyiv, UKRAINE

Galleria in Paradiso “Street”, Video Installation, Giardini della Biennale, Venice, ITALY

Houston Art Fair, Video Installations, Houston, USA



Dream Factory Gallery, Video Installation, Milan, ITALY

Aria Art Gallery, Video Installation, Florence, ITALY

Hubner and Hubner Gallery, Video Installation, Frankfurt, GERMANY



Jim Kempner Gallery, Video Installation, New York, USA



Area Pettini, “NAM NAM”, Florence, ITALY



Villa Strozzi, “Ruotati!, Florence, ITALY



Giubbe Rosse, “Accademici”, Florence, ITALY



Accademia di Belle Arti, “Studenti in Mostra”, Florence, ITALY



Giubbe Rosse, “Colors”, Florence, ITALY



“Otto’s Gallery”, Oslo, NORWAY


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